It is 6 a.m.
Multiple alarms have now gone off. You can hear groaning and rustling as scraggly haired youth crawl out of their sleeping bags. We are the scraggly haired youth.
We have to deliver a performance in a few hours. We decide the day calls for superheroes. We pull on our underwear over our tights and strap our tarps to our backs as capes. We are ready.
We bike up to the school where we will be performing. Students smile at our underwear and tarps, we smile back, smiles are contagious. By the end of the performance we can see that the youth have the gears turning in their heads. Before long they will be starting school wide composting programs and boycotting bottled water, and becoming scraggly haired youth too. They can’t help it. We are all superheroes.
As we pack up our magic wands and unicorns a teacher asks if we would like to use her shower. She lives in the next town we are biking to. Yes please. Even superheroes need to shower…sometimes.

Above is a glimpse (from Trisha Enns second Otesha tour along the East Coast) into the transformative, inspiring, and hilarious nature of Otesha cycling tours. These cycling tours provide an opportunity to realize the superhero in yourself and others, so grab that tarp and get flying. Otesha is all about taking action, so here are four action items Trisha challenges you to experiment with:
Sign-up for an Otesha tour! Where? Here!
Got questions? Want to know more? Contact Tricia Enns or the current Otesha Executive Director.
Replace something you buy from far away (like pants made in Taiwan) with a local alternative (such as pants from St. Vincent De Paul’s).
Engage openly in a conversation with someone with distinctly different opinions then you.