So our kids and our parents can be safe. So we can have reliable transportation. So we can easily pick up a few groceries on the way home. So we can go to hockey practice (yes, even in winter). Because bicycles deliver the freedom that auto ads promise.
North River Road Proposed Improvements
You may recall that back in March 2022 a cyclist was killed at an intersection on North River Road. This summer, Bike Ottawa visited the site with the president of the Vanier Community Association to see what could be done to move promised changes forward. This area was well known as problematic even before the […]
An Update on the Bike Cage at Union Street Cafe
It has been moved. And shrunk to half its original size. And is very full. As you can see, the accessibility issues have not been resolved. You need to lift your bike up onto the sidewalk (no ramp so it can be rolled) instead of being able to enter from behind as the cage is […]
Why can’t we have nice things?
For a minute there, we were pleased. Nothing major, mind you, but hey, we take what we can get.